Member Services & Benefits
The American Society of Criminology is an international organization concerned with criminology, embracing scholarly, scientific, and professional knowledge concerning the etiology, prevention, control and treatment of crime and delinquency.
This includes the measurement and detection of crime, legislation, the practice of criminal law, as well as a review of the law enforcement, judicial, and correctional systems.
The Society’s objective is to bring together a multidisciplinary forum fostering criminological study, research, and education. Our membership includes practitioners, academicians, and students in the many fields of criminal justice and criminology.
Annual Meeting
The Society sponsors an Annual Meeting with more than 1,250 sessions and events including development workshops, a publisher exhibit, an employment exchange, and numerous Society Division and ancillary organizational activities. The meetings attract over 4,000 attendees from some 50 countries and are a networking mecca.
Members receive a discounted registration rate and, if members do so choose, they receive a free candidate listing for the ASC Career Center’s Employment Exchange at the meeting.
Career Center
The Career Center provides a web-based listing service whereby ASC members can publicize their availability for employment and their credentials. Candidate postings for current members are posted at no charge for up to three months. Active candidate posts can be viewed on the ASC Career Center’s Candidate Postings page.
Members may serve on any of over 30 Society-wide committees and boards and in so doing, contribute to the growth and development of the field in every possible context.
Members may join and become involved in any of 21 different divisions, receive their newsletters and journals, and serve on their various committees and boards.
To join a division, please refer to the Divisions section of the membership form.
Society members receive two regular publications:
- Criminology: a journal that examines all areas of crime, deviance and justice (published quarterly)
- Criminology & Public Policy: a journal devoted to policy discussion of research findings in the field (published quarterly)
Society members receive email notifications of the online publication of the current newsletter:
- The Criminologist: a newsletter with short articles, news of the Society, notices of professional meetings, requests for proposals, calls for papers, job announcements, and general information pertinent to the field (published online six times a year)
The Society has an extensive website with vast amounts of consistently updated information and resources related to the field world-wide.