ASCÂ Division on Corrections & Sentencing (DCS)
The ASC Division for Corrections and Sentencing (Current Chair: Eileen Ahlin) was established in November 1999 as a constituent unit of the American Society of Criminology. The Division for Corrections and Sentencing brings together scholars, practitioners, students, and policy-makers to facilitate and encourage research pertaining to sentencing, rehabilitation, punishment, community and institutional corrections, diversionary programs and alternatives. The DCS is governed by an Executive Board consisting of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary/Treasurer and three Executive Counselors. Doris MacKenzie was the first president of the division.
- New ASC Members should refer to the Divisions section of the membership form.
- Existing ASC Members may add this Division to their current ASC membership as per the member’s membership portal landing page.
- Active/Retired Member ($25)
- Active/Retired Member w/ Handbook ($60)
- Active/Retired Member w/ 2 Handbooks ($75)
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- Student Member w/ Handbook ($45)