ASC Division of Victimology (DOV)
Originally conceptualized by founders Dr. Bonnie S. Fisher and Dr. Robert Jerin in 2012, the ASC Division of Victimology (Current Chair: Chris Schreck) was created to bring together Victimologists, and those whose research and/or daily work focuses on victimization, in an effort to help the field of victimology to continue to evolve and to bring continued attention to the of issue of victimization. During the first DOV meeting at the 2012 American Society of Criminology (ASC) conference in Chicago, Bonnie and Bob were overwhelmed by the turnout of new members, as over 50 people crowded into a room intended to hold less than two dozen. The DOV continued to quickly grow, with dozens of new members joining each year. Today, the DOV has become a well-established division within ASC, boasting over 200 members from countries around the world.
The mission of the Division of Victimology is to promote the professional growth and development of its members through scholarship, pedagogy, and practices associated with the field of Victimology. The Division of Victimology strives to ensure that its members will 1) contribute to the evolution of the Victimology discipline by supporting and disseminating cutting edge research, 2) develop and share pedagogical resources, 3) support professional enhancement workshops and activities, 4) embrace the development of evidence-informed programs and services, 5) advance victims’ rights, and 6) encourage the advancement of the intersection of scholarship and practices.
- New ASC Members should refer to the Divisions section of the membership form.
- Existing ASC Members may add this Division to their current ASC membership as per the member’s membership portal landing page.
- Active/Retired Member ($20)
- Student Member ($5)